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your doula


Madison is a passionate Hypnobirth Doula and Student Midwife. Growing up the eldest of four daughters, she felt an overwhelming and natural urge to be another motherly presence for her siblings. With her mother also being a birth worker, she was exposed to the miracles of birth work from a very young age. Her life's passion was solidified as she caught her youngest sister, pulled her up out of the water in the birth pool and placed her on her mother’s chest. Since then, she has devoted her life to encouraging women to unleash their full birthing power and discover the strength they have in this world.

 After supporting many births under the moon’s soft glow, she realized the deep feminine connection to the moon. Over the years, she has been leaning into her spirituality in order to guide her through this sacred practice. She also aims to follow an ancestral way of living by deepening her consciousness, nourishing her body as her ancestors did and understanding the importance of movement. Learning from her own health journey, she offers nutritional, supplemental, herbal and stretching expertise in order to help her clients optimize their health during the childbearing year.

 In the birth room, Madison uses Spinning Babies techniques, breath work and various comfort measures to help mothers feel at ease. She trusts her strong intuition and experience to provide comfort and serenity in her client’s birth space.

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sign up to have your dream birth today

feel supported and empowered throughout your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Your birth is a moment to remember and cherish. Have people around you at that moment that will make that true.

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